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What can we do for you??


Get you out of pain, overcome your injury, re-establish optimal neuromuscular control, prevent injury and enhance your training and performance. We also empower you on how to keep yourself in top working order so continual trips to the doctor or physio are a thing of the past. 


Our approach is suitable for every athlete regardless of what activity or sport you do. We put in place the fundamentals of optimal movement for you to work with. 


How well you perform at your sport or activity is multifactorial (mind-body-spirit)  but a critical element to the recipe is having a body that moves efficiently. 


Efficient movement means that the execution of a movement (golf swing, running, catching a ball or a yoga pose) is done in such a way that all the joints in the body are properly controlled and stabilised via proper muscular control and coordination. Mechanical forces are distributed evenly through the body as a consequence and everything just works smoothly.


This type of efficiency of the movement system underpins skill acquisition and determines how well you perform.


Our movement is ultimately reflexive and unconscious. We don’t tell our muscles what to do, they just do it. How well they do their job is a function of the quality of input the brain gets from our senses. Good quality input means good quality output. 


Our job then is to ensure good quality input whereas most other practitioners focus solely on the output side of the equation.

Our process 


4 strategic stages:


1 Careful consideration of your injury and medical history- disruption to efficient motor output can come from anywhere. Past injury is the largest culprit but there are many more. This gives us clues where to look and examine to determine causal influence and explain why you have your problem.


2 Functional assessment- We undertake a body wide assessment on how everything is working regardless of whether it is painful or not. You may have a region that is functioning poorly and not even know it yet it is contributing to poor movement. 


3 Individual management plan- once we decipher your unique history and functional status we decide what the best course of rehabilitation and treatment will be. This is a twofold process.


i) We aim to normalise global neuromuscular control through strategic movement therapy, rehabilitation and hands on therapy and 

ii) Treat symptomatic site to modulate pain and promote tissue healing.


It is the dysfunction in the entire movement system that leads to overburdened tissue in the first place so if you do not normalise body wide function then the symptom you are treating will return and you will be on the symptom treatment merry-go-round. 


4 Empowerment- During treatment a key part of your rehabilitation is to raise your awareness and educate you on the fundamentals that underpin optimal movement. In doing so we equip you with practical tools to integrate into your training and activities in order to move safely and effectively now and into the future. With the right application of these skills you should only need proactive service your body every so often. 

Two crucial elements you will learn about and apply to your chosen activity and training are:


i) optimal breathing - the diaphragm is both crucial for respiration but also dynamic postural control. Without it functioning the way it should you will have suboptimal control of your entire core (the spine). 95% of people have a dysfunction in this area.


ii) foot function- This part of the body is our base of support for everything movement related. If it is not functioning they way it should, your entire balance and posture system will be working in a compensatory fashion and this is what leads to movement compensations, pain and injury. 95% of people have a problem in this area.

Don't wait for pain to seek support


Pain is the last sign to appear when the body isn’t moving well. The body is great at adapting to get the job done until one day the body parts that have been shouldering the load can’t cope anymore and tell you about it in the form of an injury or the onset of pain.


Our functional approach is best placed to tell you how your body is working and what to focus on to make sure it doesn’t succumb to injury and poor performance. 


We take the 'rocks out of your shoe' and allow you to Move As 1

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